How do you get an insurance payment when a storm damages your roof?

Storm damage to the house roof can be a complete nightmare. But no need to panic because the insurance application process is not as complicated as it may seem. Our roofing experts explain how to get an insurance payout after storm damage. We will also go over what to do if your insurance company won’t cover all repair costs and what you can do about that.

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The roof damaged- what to do next?

To start your insurance payout process, you need to make a claim and request a damage assessment from your insurance company. The insurer will send an adjuster to verify the insurance claim and determine a fair amount for settlement.

Roof damage assessment

The insurance payment is determined – what to do next?

After an adjuster has inspected the roof, the insurance company would look at several factors to establish whether or not your claim is valid and what settlement amount should be paid.

There are two possible outcomes.

  • The insurance company offers a sufficient payout to cover the repairs;
  • The insurance company offers a payout that does not cover all the expenses.

If satisfied with the outcome, you can contact your local roof contractor to schedule the work. The roof contractor will do the repairs or replace your roof entirely, depending on the damage.

If the insurance company offers you too low a payment, the homeowner can pay the difference out of pocket and get the roofing company to start work as soon as possible. Another option is to contact an independent insurance claims assistant who would conduct another inspection of the roof and assess the damage. Claim assistance company will then help the homeowner with his claim.

How long do I wait for my insurance payment?

Depending on the severity of your case. Insurance payout can range from a week to two years, depending on the circumstances. If you and your insurance company agree on a payout, the money should be credited to your account quickly. If the payout becomes a subject of a long dispute, the process will be delayed.

Do I have to report how I spent the money to the insurance company?

Technically, you do not have to provide your insurance company with a report on how your payout was spent. In most cases, the claimant is allowed to keep the leftover cash after a home insurance payout as long as the policy does not specify anything about returning unused money. As long as the homeowner does not commit insurance fraud or lie to the insurance provider to get the payment, they can keep any remaining amount of the insurance payout.

It’s time to repair – who to turn to for help?

How to choose a reliable roofing company? Invite some local contractors for free quotes but do not automatically take the cheapest option. Base your choice on recommendations, advice, and your confidence in the contractor.

Advance Roofing LLC is a leading roofing contractor in Spokane. Our experts gained their reputations through decades of experience with various roofing jobs in the area. Please call (509) 201-4190 for advice and a free no-obligation quote. We are always happy to help!

Author: Advance Roofing Team

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