Boost Your Home’s Value and Style with Professional Siding Installation

As a homeowner, it can be overwhelming to think about the effort and cost required to give your home the look and feel you desire. However, siding installation can be the perfect way to instantly boost your home’s value and style. Professional siding installation can add insulation, protection from extreme weather conditions, improved energy efficiency, and an attractive new look that will make your house stand out in the neighborhood. From vinyl to brick and stone, there are a variety of siding materials available in various colors and styles that you can choose from. Ready to turn your home into a beautiful work of art? Let’s explore all that professional siding installation has to offer!

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and
should not be taken as professional advice. If you are considering siding installation,
please consult a licensed contractor. Additionally, Advance Roofing LLC highly
recommends seeking the advice of professionals before making any repairs or
modifications to your home. We proudly provide the Spokane, WA area with superior
roofing services for many years and are always happy to help!

What is Siding?

Siding is a type of exterior cladding system that is used to protect and insulate the walls
of your home. It is typically made of wood, vinyl, aluminum, fiber cement, stone veneer or
other materials that are designed to resist damage from weather and pests. Siding
provides an attractive finish to your home while also providing insulation against heat and
cold. Depending on the material you choose, siding can also be a great option for energy
efficiency as it can help reduce heating and cooling costs by keeping your home at a
consistent temperature throughout the year. Additionally, professional siding installation
can provide increased protection from wind, rain and UV rays. With so many different
options available today, you’re sure to find the perfect siding for your style and budget!

Siding is an important part of any home’s exterior, and with so many options available,
you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your home. Get ready to discover even more about
the benefits of professional siding installation – it’s a great way to protect your home
from the elements and save money on energy costs!

A licensed contractor inspecting the seams and joints of existing siding for signs of wear and tear.


Siding is an important part of any home’s exterior for both aesthetic and practical
reasons. Professional siding installation provides you with a range of benefits, including
increased protection from weather, pests, and UV rays. Additionally, it can help reduce
heating and cooling costs as it helps keep your home at a consistent temperature
throughout the year. With so many different material options available today, you’re sure
to find the perfect siding for your style and budget! Additionally, professional siding
installation can give your home an updated look that will increase its overall value.
Investing in high-quality siding not only increases the value of your home but also adds to
its curb appeal. So if you’re looking to make a smart investment in your property that pays
off in the long run, investing in professional siding installation could be just what you


When it comes to choosing siding for your home, there are a variety of options available
on the market today. From traditional wood and vinyl to composite materials like fiber
cement or metal, each type of siding has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Wood
siding is a classic choice that adds warmth and charm to any home, but it requires
regular maintenance and can be vulnerable to rot and insects. Vinyl siding is more
economical than other types of siding, but it may fade over time. Fiber cement is
extremely durable and low-maintenance but can be more expensive than other options.
Metal siding is another common option that provides superior protection from the
elements while giving your home a modern look. Ultimately, selecting the right type of
siding for your home will depend on your budget, desired aesthetic, climate, and other
factors. With so many choices available, it’s important to do some research before
making a decision!

No matter which type of siding you choose, it’s important to do your research and
consider all the factors before making a decision. Next up, let’s take a closer look at vinyl
siding—a popular and economical choice for many homeowners!


Vinyl siding is a popular and economical choice for many homeowners looking to update
the exterior of their home. It is an easy-to-maintain, long-lasting material that comes in a
variety of colors and textures to fit any style. It also provides superior protection from
extreme weather conditions like heat, cold, rain, and snow. Plus, it’s relatively inexpensive
compared to other types of siding—an important factor for those on a budget! With
proper care and maintenance, vinyl siding can last up to 40 years or more before needing
to be replaced. However, it may fade over time and can become brittle in extremely cold
temperatures. If you decide vinyl siding is the right choice for your home, be sure to hire a
professional installer who has experience working with this material.

Vinyl Siding on a big residential building


Fiber cement siding is an excellent choice for homeowners looking to upgrade the
exterior of their home. It is a durable, long-lasting material that can withstand extreme
weather conditions, making it ideal for many climates. It also provides superior protection
from fire and pests, as well as UV rays from the sun. The cost of fiber cement siding is
moderate compared to other types of siding, but you get what you pay for—fiber cement
is known for its strength and longevity. Plus, there are many styles and colors to choose
from so you can find something that fits your personal style. While fiber cement
installation requires more work than vinyl siding, it is worth it in the end because it will
last much longer with proper care and maintenance. For this reason, we recommend
hiring a professional installer who has experience working with this type of material.


Wood siding is a classic choice for homeowners who want to add beauty and charm to
their home’s exterior. It is a unique and timeless material that can give your home a rustic,
traditional look. Wood siding comes in many different types of wood, so you can choose
the perfect color and texture for your home. With regular maintenance, wood siding can
last for many years and even increase the value of your property. Installation is also fairly
simple—it requires cutting panels to size and nailing them into place onto the exterior
walls of your house. We recommend hiring a professional installer if you are not
comfortable doing it yourself, as they will be able to ensure the job is done correctly and
safely. With its natural beauty and long-lasting durability, wood siding is an excellent
option when looking to upgrade or enhance the value of your home!


Traditional brick and stone siding is a great way to add both style and value to your home.
It has a classic, timeless look that will never go out of style and can significantly increase
the resale value of your property. Brick and stone siding require little maintenance, so you
don’t have to worry about repainting or resealing it every few years. Additionally, they
provide an extra layer of insulation that can help reduce energy costs and make your
home more comfortable year-round. Installation of brick and stone siding is best left to
the professionals as it requires special tools, experience, and expertise. That said, hiring a
professional installer is well worth the investment for the quality results you’ll get with
this durable material!

An array of different types of siding materials, such as wood, aluminum, and stone


Choosing the right siding material for your home is an important decision and one that
shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are a variety of materials available, each with its own
unique advantages. Vinyl siding is durable, low-maintenance, and cost-effective, making it
a great option for many homeowners. Fiber cement siding is also popular due to its fire
resistance and low maintenance requirements. Other materials such as wood, aluminum,
and brick can provide an elevated style to your home but may require more upkeep in
terms of ongoing maintenance. Ultimately, the right material for you will depend on your
budget, the climate in which you live, the aesthetic you’re looking to achieve, and how
much work you’re willing to put into maintaining it. With all these factors in mind, it’s
important that you research all your options carefully before making a final decision!

No matter which exterior siding material you choose, you can rest assured that it will last
for years to come. And with the variety of colors and styles available, your home will be
sure to stand out from the crowd!


When it comes to choosing the perfect siding for your home, there is no shortage of
colors and styles available! From classic neutrals to bold statement colors, you can easily
find something that complements both your home’s existing style and your personal
taste. Additionally, the majority of siding materials come in a variety of textures, allowing
you to customize the look even further. Whether you choose wood with a rustic finish or
vinyl with a modern sheen, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Ultimately, the right color and style will depend on what type of aesthetic you’re looking to
achieve. Are you going for something contemporary and sleek? Or perhaps something
more traditional and timeless? Your siding installer can help guide you in making the best
decision for your home. With their expert advice combined with your own personal tastes,
you’ll be sure to find an exterior that looks great and adds value to your home for years to

Variety of Colors and Styles to Choose From


When it comes to siding, energy efficiency is a major consideration. Not only does high quality insulation help regulate the temperature of your home, but it can also reduce your
heating and cooling costs over time. There are several types of insulation on the market
today, including foam board, rigid board, spray foam and fiberglass. Each material has its
own benefits and drawbacks when it comes to energy efficiency so it’s important to weigh
all of them before making a decision. Additionally, certain materials may be better suited
for specific climates or regions, so be sure to discuss this with your siding installer

One thing to keep in mind is that not all siding materials offer the same level of energy
efficiency. For example, vinyl siding tends to have lower insulating properties than wood
or metal options. However, there are ways to boost the performance of your home’s
exterior by adding additional insulation or weather-stripping around windows and doors.
A professional contractor can provide more information on what you can do to make your
home more energy-efficient from an aesthetic standpoint as well as from a financial one!


When it comes to siding, the architectural style of your home plays a large role in making
sure that the installation looks great upon completion. For example, if your home has a
traditional colonial look and feel, you’ll want to make sure that the siding chosen reflects
this style. On the other hand, if you have a more modern or contemporary home, you’ll
want to choose a siding material and color that will give it an updated look.

The good news is that there are plenty of options available when it comes to finding the
perfect siding for your home’s architecture. Some popular choices include vinyl, wood,
metal, stone veneers, fiber cement and more. Each one offers its own set of benefits and
drawbacks so it’s important to weigh all of them before making a decision. Additionally,
certain materials may be better suited for specific climates or regions depending on how
much sun exposure they get and the amount of temperature fluctuations in your area. A
professional contractor can provide more information about which type of material would
best suit your needs!

Architectural Style Considerations


When it comes to siding installation, there are some important considerations that need
to be taken into account. First and foremost, it is essential to choose a professional
contractor who has the experience and expertise necessary to perform the job correctly.
Additionally, they will also be able to help you select the right type of siding material for
your home’s architecture and climate. The quality of materials used should also be a top
priority when selecting a contractor, as this will determine how long your siding lasts and
how well it holds up against inclement weather conditions. Finally, make sure that the
contractor takes all necessary steps to properly prepare the area prior to installation in
order to ensure a secure fit and an aesthetically pleasing end result.

The right siding can make all the difference in enhancing your home’s look and feel, so it
is essential to choose a qualified and experienced professional contractor for installation.
With the right preparation and care, you can be sure that your new siding will last for
years to come. Next up, we’ll discuss how to find the best installer for your project!


Finding a professional siding installer for your home improvement project is essential to
ensure the job is done right. Start by asking friends or family members for referrals, as
word of mouth is often the best way to find quality contractors. Additionally, you can
search online to find local contractors and check their ratings and reviews. When
researching potential installers, make sure they have experience working with the type of
siding you’ve chosen, as well as the necessary licensing and insurance. Also inquire
about their workmanship guarantee and any warranties on materials that are included in
the service. Finally, be sure to get detailed written estimates from each contractor before
making your final decision so that you can compare pricing for similar services. With
these tips in mind, you’ll be able to find a qualified professional with ease!

An exterior wall with high-quality vinyl siding adding protection from the elements and pests to a home's exterior


The cost of siding installation will vary depending on the type and quality of materials, as
well as the size of your home. On average, siding can cost anywhere from $2 to $7 per
square foot installed. Vinyl is typically the most affordable option, while wood or brick
may be more expensive. Other factors that can influence the price include the complexity
of the job, local labor rates, and any additional services such as painting or insulation.
When speaking with contractors, make sure to ask for an estimate based on your home’s
square footage so you can accurately compare pricing between multiple installers. With
careful research and detailed estimates in hand, you’ll be able to find a contractor who
provides top-notch service at a price that fits your budget!


In addition to the cost of materials and labor, there are other costs you should factor into
your budget when considering siding installation. For instance, if you’re replacing existing
siding, you may need to pay for demolition and disposal fees. You may also need to
invest in additional insulation or sheathing if your home is older. In some cases, you may
even need to upgrade the trim around windows and doors. These additional costs can
add up quickly, so it’s important to discuss them with your contractor before signing any
contracts. With a comprehensive plan in place, you can rest assured that the final price
tag will be within your budget and that your new siding will look great for years to come!


When it comes to extreme weather conditions, having peace of mind can be difficult.
Fortunately, professional siding installation can provide that much-needed extra layer of
protection. Durable materials like vinyl and fiber cement are designed to withstand harsh
climates, so your home will remain safe and secure no matter the season or weather
conditions. Additionally, many siding materials come with warranties that cover damage
caused by storms and other natural disasters. So if a hurricane or tornado were to strike
your area, you could rest assured that your investment would be secure. Ultimately,
investing in quality siding installation is an easy way to add value to your home while
ensuring peace of mind in extreme weather conditions!


Maintaining your siding is important if you want to keep your home looking its best and
ensure that it continues to provide protection from the elements. On a regular basis, it’s a
good idea to check for any signs of wear and tear such as cracks, chips, or peeling paint.
If the damage is minor, you can easily make repairs with patches or caulk. However, if the
damage is more extensive, it might be time to consider replacing your siding altogether.
To keep your siding in top condition year-round, regularly wash it with a mild detergent
and rinse off with a garden hose. Additionally, trim back any branches or shrubs that are
touching the siding as these can cause staining and fading over time. With proper care
and maintenance, you can ensure that your home’s exterior remains stylish and

Proper maintenance of your siding is key to preserving its beauty and protecting your
home from the elements. Ready to learn more in-depth strategies for storm damage
prevention? Stay tuned for our next section on insect damage prevention!

Maintaining Your Siding


Storm damage prevention is essential for protecting your home from the elements. The
first step is to check your siding regularly for signs of wear and tear, especially after
severe storms. Inspect all seams, corners, and joints, as well as any other areas that may
be susceptible to water or ice damage. If you find any damage, repair it immediately
before it gets worse. Additionally, make sure that your gutters are clean and free of debris
and inspect them for any signs of wear or clogging. Replace damaged gutters if
necessary and be sure to keep them clear so that water does not back up onto your
siding or roof. Finally, consider installing additional insulation around windows and doors
to prevent air infiltration from strong winds during storms.

Insect damage can also cause serious problems for your home’s exterior if left
unchecked. To prevent insect infestations in the future, check for standing water near the
foundation of your home as this can attract pests like mosquitoes and termites. Also
inspect around window frames and doorways for signs of tiny holes or wood shavings
which could indicate an existing pest problem in these areas. Finally, contact a
professional exterminator if you suspect an infestation so they can provide treatment
recommendations based on their expertise. With regular maintenance and inspections,
you can ensure that your home remains safe from insect damage!


Siding installation is a great way to boost both the value and style of your home. Not only
does it add a layer of protection from the elements, but it can also help keep pests from
damaging your exterior as well. With regular maintenance and inspections, you can
ensure that your siding remains in good condition for years to come. Additionally,
installing additional insulation around windows and doors can help prevent air infiltration
during storms and reduce energy costs in the long run. Whether you choose to do the
installation yourself or hire a professional, investing in new siding will be worth its weight
in gold when it comes to protecting your home!


Q: What are the benefits of siding style and what types of siding materials are available?

A: Siding can help boost both the value and style of your home. There is a wide range of siding materials available, including vinyl, wood, aluminum, and stone. Each type has its own unique look and benefits; for instance, vinyl is low-maintenance and cost-effective while stone adds a classic elegance to any home.

Q: How often should I inspect my siding to ensure its structural integrity?

A: It’s a good idea to check your siding regularly for signs of wear and tear such as cracks, chips, or peeling paint. Additionally, it’s important to trim back any branches or shrubs that are touching the siding as these can cause staining and fading over time. With proper care and maintenance, you can ensure that your home’s exterior remains stylish and protected!

Q: Can I install siding on my own or do I need professional installation?

A: Installing new siding yourself is possible but be warned – it’s a difficult job that requires certain carpentry and construction skills. If you don’t feel confident about completing the job yourself, it’s best to hire a professional siding installer who will be able to get the job done right the first time.

Q: What is the best way to inspect my current siding for signs of wear and tear?

A: Inspect all seams, corners, and joints, as well as any other areas that may be susceptible to water or ice damage. Additionally, make sure that your gutters are clean and free of debris and inspect them for any signs of wear or clogging.

Q: Is there a wide variety of siding materials available?

A: Yes, there is a wide range of siding materials available, including vinyl, wood, aluminum, and stone. Each type has its own unique look and benefits; for instance, vinyl is low-maintenance and cost-effective while stone adds a classic elegance to any home.